Regarding skin color and "beauty" (a term so subjective there is no point debating it), I'm 100% with you.
Regarding "plus-size" it depends on how you define that term.
It is true that 99.9% of the time, flight attendents are "sky waiters and waitresses." The other .1% of the time time they are responsible for the safety of the passengers including getting them safely off the plane in the advent of an emergency.
My wife was a flight attendent and I helped helped her study for her flight safety written tests. So I know more than a little about what a flight attendent's responsibilities are in an emergency. Her practical tests with real fire in a plane mock-up were not something a regular waitress has to deal with. At 30,000 feet you can't call the fire department. You are the fire department. And the police. And the EMT.
A really fat person is going to have a really hard time maneuvering themself between coach class seats, let alone being able to help someone quickly in a smoke-filled cabin dropping 3000 feet per minute at a steep angle.
So again, I absolutely don't care if the attendents (female or male) have bad skin, crooked teeth, or a big-ass wart on their chin with a gnarly hair growing out of it. I DO care if they are trim enough and physically fit enough to get that fat guy in 8F down the aisle and out the emergency exit on 14 so that I don't drown after a water landing.