Really enjoyed this. I graduated in Electrical Engineering over 30 years ago. There were depressingly few women in engineering at university, and nearly as few colleagues over the years. I wish that were not the case.
I will nitpick about math. Over the decades I've worked with other EEs, MEs, petroleum, industrial and a lot of chemical engineers (probably some other disciplines I've forgotten). When you say you don't need to solve "complex equations" it is not clear what you mean. I've never had to implement a complex differential equation, but transforms, calculus and basic derivations are common.
If you aren't really comfortable with higher math you're going to have a tough time solving real world problems where that math is a reality. You will have a hard time making it in engineering management if you can't tell that Bob is bullshitting about his results because his math is crap.
But with that nitpick aside, again, great article. Oh, one other nitpick. It is "Lara" Croft - not "Laura." I love the films (never played the games).