Project much?
You are redefining genocide to allow you to frame Israeli's systematic killing of Gazans as "not genocide." Specifically there is no "rate of killing" parameter for Genocide.
Again, you are undermining the definition of genocide in WWII by the Germans of the Jews by claiming that because the Israelis have "only" killed 40,000+ (that is the current number) of civilians that it is not genocide. If we "only" count the time from the start of der Anschluss (annexation) of Austria (followed by the Sudetenland annexations) both of which lead to ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Jews in both areas, then it is April 1938 to April 1945 = 7 years
Some quick math: 7 yr x 12 months = 84 months.
~6,000,000 / 84 = ~71, 500 Jews killed per month, whereby it should be clear that during the last years of WWII the rate per month was an order of magnitude higher than in the early years.
Israel started their most recent pogrom against the Gazans at a rate of about 10,000 / month, understanding that the current numbers are only those confirmed dead, and not the thousands who are missing.
Britain bequeathed part of "mandatory Palestine" to form the State of Israel and the UN (dominated by the West after WWII) approved it. It is conveniently ignored that Britain was a colonial power at the time and had no right to the land.
I provide clear evidence of apartheid but you ignore it. As expected.
Nothing I write is anti-Jewish. It is anti-Israeli apartheid and anti-genocide. All Jews are not Israeli and all Israelis are not Jews. Israeli IS a genocidal apartheid state. Pointing that out is not anti-Jewish, any more than pointing out the horrific acts by the Saudi Arabian government is anti-Muslim.
You are a genocide apologist. History will not be kind to your posts.