OP didn't say Ds and Rs are the same. He said they both lie to stay in power. That's true. How you lean politically will decide if you think one parties lies are worse, or if they are about the same.
Your comment tells me how you lean. As a former D now a staunch I, let me ask you: Where is student debt relieft Biden promised and could deliver with executive action? Where is his support for $15/hr? Where is his support for a public option. Those are clear policies HE PROMISED while campaigning, and has done fuck all to get done while in office.
Biden has a huge plus in my book for getting out of Afghanistan despite massive pressure not to. But other than that he's done virtually nothing.
His big infrastructure bill is a giant tax break for the wealthy (SALT dedcuction), just like Trump. All the things for average Americans have been decimated.
Where are the squad and Bernie (who I voted for!). Bernie has at least called out Joe Manchin some, but Biden has done nothing to get Sinema and Manchin on board, and he could do so easily. Both of them (and Manchin's family especially) have lots of shady business going on, and Biden has an entire Justice Department.
Nancy Pelosi is going to help average Americans? Nah, she's too busy officiating billionaire weddings and eating gourmet ice cream from one of her 2 $20,000 freezers.
No, Ds and Rs are not the same. But the difference in results from their policies differ only by degrees after Ds promise change. At least the Republicans are up front about selling out to big business.