Once again you cannot or will not say specifically what I said. So I'll prove you wrong on the one point you alluded to, "Yet you’re saying EU countries were leading Putin on?"
Here is the president of Ukaine who signed Minsk II,
"From my point of view, the Minsk agreements were born dead,” said Volodymyr Ariev, an MP from Poroshenko’s party. “The conditions were always impossible to implement. We understood it clearly at the time, but we signed it to buy time for Ukraine: to have time to restore our government, our army, intelligence and security system."
That is from The Guardian, a UK based, western source.
You can google "poroshenko minsk agreement buy time" and you'll get this list:
You can pick out a source you like. I provide a direct quote which makes you 100% wrong on one of the main points leading to Russia's 2022 invasion.
I have visited the history of Joseph McCarthy. Many times. He did exactly what you did, claim anyone disagreeing with him was a Russian (Soviet) agent or simpathizer. Bullshit smear tactics and guilt by association. History will be as kind to you as it is to him.
This conversation is over.