Oh-oh Mandy. You came and you strawmanned my comment, and I’ll send you away, oh-oh Mandy.
My comment was to Brett William C’s comment about a 2014 Study in Alaska that specifically pointed out how 230 young women (undergrads) “rewarded” physically risky behavior. I wondered (and still do) if they had taken 3 groups of women: undergrads, 30-somethings and 50-somethings if the the behavior each group found attractive would change with age.
Your personal story is interesting and tangentially relates to mine, but that is about it. Then you extrapolate from your personal experience to generalize that what you want is what all women want. Oh-oh Mandy.
My personal experience is (as I alluded to in my comment) that while younger women find six-pack abs very attractive, women in their 30s will find the conistent ab training (actually, dieting) attractive, but are more interested in if you remember to consisently pick up a six-pack of diapers for your kid rather than a six-pack of beer for you and your mates. Or in my very personal experience, if you are willing to take risks as I did. I don’t have personal experience with mid-50s women, but I’m guessing what they find attractive is different than younger women (“cougars” excepted).
It is my personal experience that older women — and men — value different things than younger people do, and my comment was wondering if my anecdotal experience is backed up by research.
PS: Apologies to Barry Manilow