Not one charge related to the alleged crime. Not one.
"Having the facts to prove in court is difficult."
There are no "facts to prove" the case even in Mueller's long-ass document. Have you read it? A really long document to say, "We got nothing. Not even enough to charge Trump or anyone on or related to campaign with conspiracy."
I'm sure every country tries to influence our elections. The US overthrows whole governments to influence other country's elections, so I'm sure that is done in the US. You are muddying the waters. That is not the specific issue here.
The specific issue here - the alleged crime - was the Trump campaign illegally conspiring with Russia in the 2016 election. ZERO Americans were even charged (let alone taken to trial and convicted) for that crime.
13 Russian troll farm employees were charged by the US as conspiring to illegally influence the 2016 election. They were employees or directly related to the company that made the memes/ads in Mueller's report. They got a lawyer and were ready to go to court. The day before the trial should have begun, the US dropped the case against them.