Not at all ridiculous. You really need to read more history.
The US entered WWI explicitly because we wanted to part of the winners who would get to divide the spoils.
The Nazis suffered 90% of their casualties on the Eastern Front. Not the Western. Our concern was to get across Western Europe as quickly as possible to keep the USSR from liberating more of the continent. The point being: It would have taken longer - I mean years longer, but the Nazis would have lost eventually, even without the US entering the war.
Yes, the last 100+ years have been a "century of humiliation" (how the Chinese call it) for China. But to extrapolate that China somehow only exists as an economic powerhouse because of the last couple hundred years of European then American dominance is to ignore the few millenia that came before. From the beginning of recorded history up until the late 1500s or so, "The Middle Kingdom" was a huge or "the" huge economic power of the world. They slowly and now quickly are regaining their lost position.
How China will be as an overlord I don't know, and probably I'll be pushing up daisies before it gets that far, but if history is any guide, China is happy getting rich with trade and not with conquest. For my grandkids (if I ever have any) and their grandkids, I hope so.