North Houston (Spring) is where I lived and where mom still is. I studied in Austin and Beaumont.
Austin is a beautiful area, but it has grown so large so fast in the last couple of decades that it is almost unrecognizable from when I lived there.
Beaumont and Houston are basically swamps. Unlivable without A/C, that is nearly always turned too cold.
I was last in Beaumont in 2017. I got to show my wife where I graduated, see the engineering buildings where I studied, and see where I lived. It was a great trip.
Beaumont looked about the same. Sadly there was major flooding the year after. Don't know how it looks since then.
I have three siblings also in SE Texas. Spring (a stone's throw from mom), Sugarland and Huntsville. I used to fly back as much as 5 times a year. Now it is only once a year if that.
Pre-Covid I had a huge conference there every couple of years. I haven't heard if they're going to start that up again.
Where is your family from?