Nope. Not letting casual racist historical revisionism slide is not over reacting.
It is racist today. It was racist then. Black people cared back then. Non-racist white people cared back then. But US society as a whole accepted racism. Speaking out against it could get you killed.
Being honest about our racist past is the only way to move on from it.
The Germans and Austrians understood that after WWII. That’s why you’ll find no statues to Goebbels in Germany or Austria, or any “Göring” Volkschulen, etc, even though there were LOTS of unrepentent Nazis (still are) in both countries.
It is a big deal. It is THE deal when dealing with things like genocide and slavery. The fact that the US won’t admit and make amends for our genocide and racism is one of the main reasons (if not the main reason) why we have so many more racial problems than Germany and Austria have with neo-Nazis (they both have problems, but nothing close to our problems).