No, you’re saying something and me refusing to argue on your framing is just that. You set up a bad frame and I refuse to engage on that basis. Your frame is like the old saw, "When did you stop beating your wife?" There is no answer I can give that doesn't include me admitting I beat my wife.
Your frame isn't quite that bad, as I'm not a fan of empire, whether it is US, Russia, English, German, Ottoman, or Roman.
Your framing of who is "hostile" is ridiculous. Does Russia have troops in Mexico? Does China have troops in Canada? No. Does the US have troops in Poland? Yes. Does the US have troops in Germany? Yes. Does the US have troops in Romania? Yes. Does the US have troops in Lithuania? Yes. Does the US have troops in Japan? Yes. Etc., etc.
No one with anything close to objectivity can claim that Russia and/or China are doing anything except reacting to OUR (US) aggression. We surround their countries with troops and weapons for decades and when they finally react to our aggression, boot lickers like you say "they" are the aggressors. Sure, buddy.
To end this from my side, 13 countries of the USSR voted NOT to dissolve the USSR. That does not support your argument.
To get personal in closing this out: I know people personally who preferred life under the Soviets to life now. Common working people didn't have a great life, but they had the basics and a guarantee of work as part of society. That security is lost under the capitalist regimes they now live under.
So you lose. I defy you.
I'm ending this from my side as I fully expect you to either:
a) Use the "No true Scotsman" response to try to delegitimize the people I know personally;
b) Use a Trump "Birther"-type bullshit response to move the goalposts and declare (for example) how these people must now prove that they really liked it better back then (i.e. the "long-form" birth certificate must be found); and/or
c) just call me a liar.
You lose. Bye now.
edit: I was wrong. You didn’t choose a), b) or c). User “Elliott Bignell” just deleted his account.