No, you didn't. You posted a link and a question. If you want to make argument that those things mean something in the context of current battlefield victories and losses, you have to write more than "what about."
I could post 100 links and questions about Zelensky and Ukraine Nazis and Ukraine corruption and particularly about Ukraine propaganda regarding alleged Russian atrocities (some of which are probably true). That wouldn't prove or disprove what is happening right now on the front lines.
I don't use Russian sources, for exactly the reason you list - Russian official sources are going to withhold information unfavorable to them. So I use pro-Ukrainian western sources who do the same withholding from the other side, and I temper that information with semi-objective western sources.
I use the western sources instead of Ukrainian and Russian because I'm fluent in English and German and I can read, watch and listen to those sources from native speakers and catch the nuances.
Just as importantly, I can listen and watch the news in Germany and particularly Austria and see/hear the discrepancies between the offical US/UK line and what people on the continent are saying.
I've lived in Austria a long time. Austria is neutral per their constitution since WWII, and not a member of NATO. There are periodic updates from the Austrian military that are the most objective military analysis I've seen anywhere.
I'll add here at the end as I often do: There are no good guys in this fight except the Ukrainian civilians, and possibly the conscripts on each side who are forced to fight. Russia is not good. Ukraine is not good. First and foremost the US/NATO alliance that has been pushing for this war for decades is not good.
I make my comments not because I want Russia to win, but because I don't want Russia to lose, for the single reason that the West has stated that "winning" for the West means the end of Putin and the balkanization of Russia. Before that happens, I Russia has said that they will "take the West with them" and fire their 6000 nuclear weapons, ending human civilization.
I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainians, but currently they are not a sovereign country. The US is calling the shots, and the US is pushing us all towards nuclear annihilation. The only way to avoid that is to make it clear that the US can't win, and that is made clear by not lying that Ukraine is beating Russia. And that is what the most objective voices on the ground are saying.
Ukraine is being used like Syria, Libya and Iran most recently, to weaken Russia and continue worldwide US hegemony. Those countries have / are being largely destroyed (the US illegally occupies 1/3 of Syria right now!).
Again, I am sympathetic to Ukraine, but not at the cost of human civilization.