No, the hilarious irony is that those of us who wish Trump would fade from the public eye are amazed at people like you who say you hate him, but constantly find some reason to write about him in ways that make him MORE sympathetic to many average people.
There are 10s of thousands of poor people in America, a disproporitionately large number of them are POC in a VERY similara situation to Trump.
These poor Americans were arresed on some trumped up charges (pun intended). Their bail was set at a number incredibly out of propportion to their alleged crime and situation. They end up sitting in jail because they can't make bail. They lose their jobs, cars, homes and children through this injustice. What is being done to Trump is VERY similar to what is being done to them.
The fact that you and people like you can't see that this makes Trump stronger would be hilarious if it weren't helping Trump to get reelected.
Trump is horrible, racist con-man. His corruption with Saudi Arabia could and should have had him out of the White House within months. But NO ONE in power in Washington DC went after Trump for his breach of The Foreign Emoluments Clause in the constistution. Why? Because nearly all DC pols are guilty of the same corruption. Repeat that for most of Trump's biggest crimes.
So instead we get Trump being charged with stupid shit like payments to Porn stars, and this case. This case which the DC pols are too stupid and short-sighted to see how it will negatively affect real estate in NYC and other high value cities - because it is a practice (mildly corrupt) that they aren't doing.
TL;DR; you constantly make Trump into a sympathetic martyr. He uses that to get more power. Stop supporting Trump FFS.