No its not and yes, I would.
People in Ancient Greece knew that slavery was horrible. There is a huge difference between "accepted as legal in a society" and "feeling it is a good thing." I reject apologetics for slavery, antisemitism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
Dude you are king of the non sequitur. The leaders of the west knew what was going on in the annexed territories - ethnic cleansing.
The whole point of this discussion is whether the Finns should have allied with Nazis to fight the Soviets. My point was and is that by 1939 it was well known to the European leaders - including Finnish leaders who chose to ally with Nazi Germany, what that would mean long term for Finland - ethnic cleansing of Finns by the Nazis.
You are straight up wrong about German speaking people in Sudetenland. There were a lot of German speakers there. It was a huge thing after the war when Czechoslovakia kicked out all historically German speakers and took their land, even those who had nothing to do with the Nazis and had been there long before the Nazis came to power. I have family there, and friends whose family lost land there.
Wrong again about the Russian revolution. The Red Army was fighting to install the Bolsheviks. The White army was fighting to hold the Romanov monarchy. The US sent troops to support the White army.
It did help Axis countries. We armed and funded low level "ex" (wink-wink) Nazis in and fascists in Western Europe to assure that no leftist governments would come to power. We supported the "rat lines" to get higher level Nazis out (a LOT to South America) after WWII.
FDR became massivley popular in the US because the US was terrified that a Soviet style revolution would occur in the US. FDR's progams were great, but it was WWII that finally turned the economy around.
The entire invented "Red Scare" that peaked in the 1950s was because we hated the USSR, and that started immediately after WWII.