No he most certainly is not. Putin is dictator of a resource rich country. Less brutal than Saudi Arabia or the other gulf Kingdoms or even our ex-buddy Hussein.
Russia, and Putin in specific, does not have an ideology to remove all Jews from Europe, or to expand Russian "lebens-raum."
If you actually read what Hitler wrote, what he did immediately after coming to power was not a real surprise. Putin has been in power for 23 years. Where are the gulags? Where are the lesser Russians rounded up and stamped as "not Russians?"
Georgia attacked Russia, not vice versa. Crimea was Russian. Tried to join Russia multiple times between 1991 and 2014. Even NBC now says that Crimea is Russian.
My wife's family is all Czech. Her grandfather was sent to Buchenwald by the actual Nazis. Putin is a brutal dictator, but has VERY little in common with the Nazis. Read some actual history.
The Nazis wasted NO time in othering their own population, then expanding to their neighbors. Again, 23 years after coming to power, Putin has yet to start on an ideological crusade to rid the Europe of "Non-Russians."