Nicely said, but nearly all meat today is the result of torture. You got Joe Rogan and my brother in law who hunt and kill their own meat (elk and deer respectively). That's two guys.
99% of all meat is factory farmed. Meat is "produced" by forced pregnancy, a short brutal life in horrendous conditions (google "gestation crate"), then being packed into hot transports with little air and no water for a one way trip to a slaughterhouse. The animals sense the fear and hear the screams of the other animals when they arive. If they are lucky they are killed quickly. Some die on hooks bleeding out after having their throats cut. Some die in gas chambers (yes, really). Baby boy chicks are put on a conveyer belt to be ground up alive at one day of age because they have no "value." The list of what is "awful" is very long.
Yeah, foie gras is another horrible torture, but modern day meat in general is almost all torture.