Nice article. One thing you do not discuss is business. Austria has done business with Russia for decades.
OMV is a huge oil and gas (upstream and downstream) corporation with HQ in Vienna. They do joint ventures on exploration and drilling all over the world, but focusing mainly on central and particularly eastern Europe, due to Austria's 70 history of political neutrality. I do not know the numbers off the top of my head, but we're talking billions of Euros of investments.
Also due to Austria's poliitical neutrality, the country is the HQ of multiple international organizations such as OPEC, IAEA and OSCE. Austria holds enormous numbers of international conferences because it is seen as a centrally located, neutral ground since WWII. There would be huge financial business risks to Austria to choose to join a western military alliance.
Austria gets 80% of its natural gas from Russia. Austria has already officially stated that it cannot get off of Russian gas in the short or even mid-term. Austria only gets 10% of its crude from Russia, so that is not a dependency issue.
Finally - and this is my opinion rather than just listing stats like above - the longer the war in Ukraine goes on, the clearer it is that NATO and the US are NOT going to save their near-NATO Ukrainian partner. If the Austrian parliament decides to discuss giving up neutrality to join a western military alliance, the famous Austrian fatalism and realism will come to the table as well. Austrians with clear heads will see that joining NATO would entail huge costs and huge risks. Not being in NATO entails maybe (depending on your point of view) higher risks, but no immediate additional costs.