My wife and I have just started watching, "Yellowstone." We see the Native Americans bitter about what they lost and feel empathy. We see the Duttons who didn't personally steal the Native American lands and feel empathy.
The only way to not be in this situation is to have stopped it when it was happening. 150+ years ago, settler colonialism was accepted. I think it is partly because we did not have the technology of today.
It is brutal to read about something that happened decades ago. It is more brutal to see photos of something that happened years ago. It is viscerally brutal and horrific to see video of horrors happening daily. If everyone had a cellphone camera in 1837 it would have been very hard to push through laws like the, "Indian Removal Act."
This is the reason that Israel is becoming a pariah state. We can't go back and stop the genocide that we (the US) committed 200-150 years ago. We can stop the one happening in Palestine right now.
In 30 years, a lot of middle-aged Americans are going to be lying to their grandchildren about what they said and wrote regarding Israel's genocide in Palestine. I won't be one of those liars.