My whole life I've been hearing the refrain, "America! Love it or leave it." That is basically what you're saying about ethnic Russians in Ukraine. That is a very weak argument. It is always used to shout down opposition to unpopoular positions.
As a kid "America. Love it or leave it" was shouted at people against the Vietnam war. It was shouted at people demonstrating against Reagan's Latin American wars, and saber-rattling against the USSR. It has been said to people wanting more rights for gays, those wanting better healthcare, etc. etc. It is wrong in America, and it is wrong in Ukraine.
In the case of Ukraine, you are literally calling for ethnic Russians to ethnically cleanse themselves. Bad look.
The OSCE (a western group headquartered here in Vienna) reported that from 2018 - 2022 (the only verifiable numbers they had) 80% of all deaths were on the ethnic Russian side of Ukraine's civil war. Between 14,000 and 15,000 people (at that time) had been killed. I am generous when I calculate that "only" 10,000 ethnic Russians have been killed by the Ukraine military - in direct conflict with the Minsk accords that Ukraine signed in 2015 but never honoroed.
I am in complete agreement that after the war we will learn about war crimes committed by both sides.