Men coming to power during economic turmoil covers probably over 25% of the world's leaders ever. The Reichstag fire was AFTER Hitler became chancellor. Every dictator relies on a cult of personality. Otherwise they cannot become dictators. Legalizing persecution and normalization of race hatred also covers probably 50% or more of every dictator, ever - in varying degrees***. Neither Putin nor Hitler launched wars with the stated purpose of restoring the good old days.
So your "cloth" covers pretty much any dictator ever. There have been dictators forever, and wars for hundreds of years, but only one Hitler. Instead of looking at the objective badness of Putin, you want to elevate Putin to singular evil. Just like the US did with Saddam, Gadhafi, Asaad, and every dictator who doesn't do what we say.
*** varying degrees matters a LOT. Making homosexuality socially unacceptable (it is legal in Russia, but frowned upon) is horrible. It is orders of magnitude different than sending someone to a KZ for extermination for being gay. That difference matters.
Russia has been an ally of Syria for decades. Russia was asked by Syria to support them in the US backed civil war. The US supported the Tsar in Russia. We actually invaded the country to stop the popular revolution. So I guess Woodrow Wilson was following in Hitler's footsteps?
I've been waiting for the "Neville Chamberlain" moment. In history, far more often than not, making peace with a dictator has kept the peace. Again, you make everything about one dictator 80 years ago and ignore the rest of European history for the last 300 or so years.
We'll find out sooner than later, when Russia finally defeats Ukraine and they negotiate for peace. If Russia rejects this and starts attacking NATO nations, then you'll have been right, and I'll admit it. If Russia accepts the peace treaty (as I think they will) - and the US holds to the peace treaty (I'm not sure about that one), then I'll have been right.
I'm done now.