Maidan was a coup supported directly by the US. Forensics, film and eye witness testimony by victims on Maidan that they were being shot by the far right.
The idea that there is nothing between "passive CIA pawns" and "a real revolution" is a false dichotomy that I reject.
The irony that you state, "The Ukrainians have very clearly said they want no US troops, only the tools to win." but that is NOT what they got only proves my position. Ukraine is a vassal state since 2014.
Of course Ukraine still has some agency, but they are directed from the US, funded and armed by the US. Without the US, Ukraine would fail as country in short order.
2014 was an armed coup in Ukraine, followed by an unconstitutional change of government. Since then, the US picks the leaders directly or has massive influence on them. The US pushed Ukraine into this war, and Ukraine is now paying the price.
My heart bleeds for my friends who have had flee Ukraine, and even more for those unable to escape the violence. They are the true victims of this war.