LOL. Debunked by whom? It is amazing what loads of money can buy and control. Peer reviews don’t happen when someone knows that reviewing a paper can end a career.
Coronary heart disease was not a common cause of death until the beginning of the last century when a huge rise occurred. But not everywhere. The rise in coronary heart disease was in industrialized countries where animal agriculture was also on the rise.
Cholesterol exists in the human body, of course. But the cholesterol that causes health problems in humans comes from eating animal meat. The countries, cultures, and diets that limit or exclude animal meat have a correspondingly lower level of cardiovascular disease currently and historically. This is causation, not correlation.
The US public has wanted us out of Afghanistan more than we wanted out of Vietnam, and wanted us out for 15 years. Yet turn on your TV today and ALL the main stream “news” is talking about is what a disaster and a disgrace it is how and when we finally got out of that 21 year old war. Who is funding that news? Weapons manufacturers. Military contractors. The military industrial complex (MIC) that Eisenhower warned us about.
Animal agriculture (both meat and dairy) is huge business in the US. Similar to the MIC, the meat and dairy industry has the power to ruin the careers of doctors and researchers who stand up against them. And they use that power ruthlessly and every day.
You know from the 1930s through the 50s there were doctors who recommended smoking, right?