Like with Pizza gate, the Dems have taken a page from W's Svengali Karl Rove. Take an issue that is a serious liablity - in this case the huge number of videos showing Joe acting fucking creepy around young girls, and statements from women who have had unwanted attention, and credible rape accusations - then add something that IS actually a lie (that Biden is a pedophile) and then use that lie to discredit the parts that are NOT lies.
Those videos exist. They are not doctored. Those statements exist, they are believable. That is why people believe them. They can see Joe acting like a fucking creepy uncle with their own damn eyes. You don't have to be some QANON moron to believe, just be a normal person.
I'm undecided not just because Joe is a fucking creeper, but because he is a war criminal, racist, sociopathic liar and tool of big business (particularly banks and pharma). I fucking hate Trump, but Biden is not a solution - he is at best a bandaid on a gaping wound, and at worst will enable the next "Trump."
We got "lucky" that this Trump is an incompetent, lazy, moron. We can't expect to be so lucky with the next proto-fasicst.