Let me help your knowledge: The US successfully couped Chavez in 2004. The people rose up and restored him to power. The US has been sanctioning Venezuela ever since and ever stronger. Does the name "Juan Guaidó" ring a bell? Starting only about 3 years ago, the US claims that Guaidó is the legal ruler of Venezuela.
We have stolen billions of Venezuela's sovereign assets over the last 2 decades, including stealing Citgo (Venezula's US gasoline subsidiary) and selling it off to Citgo's competitors and pocketing the proceeds.
We couped Bolivia less than 5 years ago. Honduras 10 years ago. Colombia has been a CIA cutout for decades. Nicaragua since the 80s. Brazil was a military dictatorship for (IIRC) 18 years as a result of a CIA-backed coup in the 60s.
Stefan is following a pro-reality narrative. For readers used to US media that may seem "pro-Russian." For those of us outside the US following world news, he is pretty neutral.
The US did everything possible to provoke the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I don't support Russia's invasion, but it was clear they would not tolerate Ukraine giving up neutrality and joining NATO.
The US has no political or economic interests in Eastern Ukraine. Ergo: the only reason Americans even care about what happens in the Donbas is because US media keeps telling them over and over that we have to care. Be honest, did you even know the name of one city in the Donbas before 2022?
"Putin may not stop in Ukraine" is not a reason to go to war. Using your logic, Russia was completely justified in invading Ukraine, because, "The US may not stop in Ukraine." See how that works?
Either all countries should stop meddling or all countries can meddle.
Russia's #1 demand of Ukraine is that it RETURN to neutrality. Not that it join Russia, but that it go BACK to being neutral as it was from 1991 to 2014 (not surprisingly, right after the US backed coup of the democratically elected government of Ukraine).