I've not been following you very long, and will stop following you now. Unlike you, I will actually have the balls to say why.
Joe Rogan isn't perfect. Joe Rogan makes mistakes. So does everyone talking to lots of people. I'm not a big fan of Rogan's. I've listened in sum to probably 15 to 25podcasts total. I just don't have that much time, and lots of the subjects that interest Rogan don't really interest me.
The main point: Rogan, unlike CNN or Fox or MSNBC, admits when he makes a mistake, and corrects them when they are pointed out to him. Multiple well-documented instances, one very recent regarding myocarditis and Covid.
Rogan is just a guy interviewing people and he admits mistakes. The above media organizations I listed above are NEWS organizations, and are constantly wrong.
The Roxanne Gay piece you used as a standin for saying yourself why you are leaving spotify has direct misinformation in it. Ms. Gay identifies ivermectin as a "horse deworming paste." Now this is not directly false, but it IS misinformation. Ivermectin is listed on the WHO web-site as an essential medicine FOR HUMANS. Ivermectin won the Nobel prize in medicine for two scientists (William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura) for use IN HUMANS in 2015. Ivermectin has been prescibed FOR HUMANS multiple billions (with a "B") times.
Saying Ivermectin is a "horse deworming paste" is a misleading as saying penicillin is a cat medication. Yes there is a version for cats. And dogs. And fish. But penicillin was developed FOR HUMANS. Ivermectin has been used as a human medicine since 1987.
So here is my framework: I don't follow people who hide behind another's misinformation as an excuse to censor.
The establishment press sees Rogan as a competitor and threat to their business, because he is. So they are trying to have him cancelled.
I'm about the same age as you, Mr. Galloway, but apparently I'm not as tamed as you are. Your support of censorship is disgusting and weak. You'll be licking the boots of CNN right up until they decide you or someone you really like must ALSO be censored, and then just like all the other assholes who want to censor, you'll claim, "OH! We could never have seen this coming."
Good riddance to you.