I've had a lot of talks with my wife about the "bear vs. man" situation over the last few months. My wife has been sexually assaulted (as a LOT of women have). I do understand a lot better why a woman would choose the bear.
That being said, I'm a 6'3" trained boxer. I don't know if Diddy has any martial arts training. I know the bear doesn't need any. In the very best-case scenario, the bear has just eaten, doesn't see me as a threat, and just walks by while I piss myself. At worst I'll be painfully disemboweled and die in extreme agony. For me, the choice is easy: Diddy.
Relevant experience to my decision: One time I was walking in the woods and saw a bear cub off to one side of the path I was on. On the other side of the path, I could hear something very large moving, and making snuffling sounds. Humans still have some instincts. Every hair on the back of my head stood up. My "spidey-sense" had me backing slowly, quietly, and quickly away. I could sense immense danger in those bushes across from the cub.
Another time I was hiking and came across a few full-grown wild boars about 10 meters away. Fortunately, they were not interested in me. They checked me out and moved off the path into the woods. I waited until they were well away before going on.
If one of the boars or the bear had charged, my only hope was to climb a tree and wait until either help came or the animal lost interest and left.
Barehanded against a bear a man has ZERO chance. Barehanded against Diddy I have very good chances. Again, I understand that for a woman the latter is not true and other factors play a role.