I’ve been a proud and vocal supporter of your work since you started. I’m fortunate enough to be able to support you monthy on Patreon. Even when I don’t agree fully with you on tactics, our end goals align nearly 100%.
So now you’ve got this weird dynamic where the US is constantly working to make sure that no other countries surpass it and gain the ability to treat America the way America treats other countries.
It is not weird at all. As I’ve noted many times before, the US has always been afraid. Domestically, wealthy, straight white men are afraid the groups we have oppressed will rise up and do to us what we’ve done to them. Since the early 1800s, we’ve taken that strategy of oppression global, first in our hemisphere with the Monroe Doctrine, and since WWII aggressively around the world.
I think it is a shame you regret talking about Pizzagate. It is one of the narratives that the establishment managed so well that even brave truth tellers like you won’t touch it. Did Hillary Clinton run a child pornography ring out of the basement of DC pizza parlor? Of course not. Were there more than enough very suspicious strange postings, messages, photos, graphics and statements to warrant a serious police investigation? Of course there were. We’ve seen in the UK (Jimmy Savile) and Belgium (Marc Dutroux) in the last two decades alone that child pornography, abuse and trafficking rings go right to the top of governments. In the US, ask Jeffery Epstein what happens when your activities get too public.