It only take about 100 nuclear detonations to start nuclear winter. Russia has 6,000. THAT WE KNOW OF. 6 fucking thousand.
We cannot take out Russia’s entire nuclear force in a first strike. It is not possible. They have too many missles, and their protocal says if they think are under nuclear attack, they launch. They only have a couple of minutes to decide. 4 or 5 times during the cold war, Russia almost launched because they thought 1 missile was coming. If we launch a first they will see 10,000 warheads flying at them, they will launch.
Even if only 10% of their weapons work 600 — we all lose. Nuclear winter starts. 90% of the planet dies. Either through the initial blasts, radiation sickness, starvation, or fighting for food. Almost no sun for 10 years means massive crop failures.
The Russians have hypersonic missiles. They have used them at least twice in Ukraine, just to make sure we know they have them. They fly at over 9,000 miles per hour. AND…they can carry nuclear warheads. There is no defense against hypersonic missiles at this time, because they are not ballistic. They can maneuver at Mach 5, making our current anti-missile defenses useless. You can bet your last nickel that Russsia has those missiles on subs off our coasts, and on airplanes ready to take off in Europe. If we attack, they will destroy all major western cities and we have no defense against that. None.
London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Dublin, Prag, Vienna, Bratislava, Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest, DC, NYC, LA, SF, Seattle, Houston, Atlanta, Philidelphia. That is only about 20 cities. Add another 80 on to that list (probably some places like London, DC, and NYC get 2 or 3 nukes) and that ends political and military leadership in the west, along with all life on earth.
So even if we know where every sub, every missile silo, and every airplane the Russians have is located, they will still kill us if we attack first. And if they do I hope I die in the first blast, because those that survive will have a fucking shit-show for 20–30 years until radiation levels have gone down and we’ve stabilized at about 1900 level technology and probably 500–600 million humans on the planet.
Nobody wins a nuclear war. No one. We all lose.