Ironically, there is plenty of ambiguity in solving mathematical equations, particularly quadratic equations.
The irony is that there is a huge amount of ambiguity in this horrible cycle of war crimes. There are no "good guys" here except for the average citizens of Ukraine and Russia that have nothing to do with the war. The governments on both sides are bad to varying degrees on various subjects. The US has is bad as well in varying degrees on varying subjects regarding Ukraine.
The decision who is most to blame is a subjective one. It is impossible to get around that Putin invaded (i.e. threw the first punch) and in the eyes of the law the guy that throws the first punch "started the fight." If Putin wanted to make it Ukraine who threw the first punch, he needed a different approach.
On the other hand, George Bush and Tony Blair are not in prison for war crimes. It is logically invalid then to say that Russia committed a war crime by invading. If preemptive invasion is a war crime the world would have spent the last 15 years clamoring for their Bush/Blair and co.'s arrests. Since the world has not done that, clearly preemptive invasion is not a crime and what Russia did is only what the US and co. have been doing for decades.