Ironically enough, someone filmed a reaction to this idea being floated at Disney.
I regularly have long transatlantic flights that allow me to watch Dwayne Johnson films without extra embarrassment, "No. No. I'm just airsick is all. Could I have another bag, please?" They help me get to sleep with the bonus that I don't care if I miss some parts.
IMO Rampage (= King Kong + The Rock - 60 IQ points) was the worst. In the running for "Most Cringe Line" in cinematic history was when The Rock critiqued a sand sculpture of himself in Baywatch.
By the time Red One trailers darkened my screen, my expectations were already at -10 of 10. I will have another transatlantic round trip soon. I'm sure by then it will be on in-flight entertainment.
We'll be enjoying The Christmas Chronicles and some Czech classics over the holidays. I've added Klaus to my Netflix watch list now as well. Thanks for that!