Interesting that you picked the one good example of a woman beating a man at tennis, from 50 years ago, and not the much more relevant example from 1998, when the #203 professional male tennis player beat both Williams sisters.
Unlike you, I am sporty. I've been playing competitive sports for 50+ years. I still box and lift as an amateur.
My wife and I both agree that what would be best would be a global handicap system for all sports like in golf, but unisex. Then anyone could "compete" against anyone else with the handicap system evening out the playing field.
We'd see really good women beating lots of men all the time. What we'd also see is what is imperically and anecdotally known to anyone who plays sports regularly: "Most all the time the guy is going to be better than the girl."
This is especially true for combat and upper body dominant sports, where men's skeletal structure and muscle development give a natural advantage.
That is also the reason why trans women who went through puberty as men beat the shit out of women who went through puberty as women. With a few exceptions that prove the rule from two paragraphs ago.
The handicap system would be really expensive to develop, but I think it would make sports much more fun. Not only because men and women could play more sports together, but - as in golf - I think it would be more clear that you should concentrate on your own performance and less on everyone else.