Incorrect the OSCE was on the ground, along with another 3000+ election observers, in Ukraine in 2010 when Yanukovych was elected. He was corrupt, no doubt, but he was democratically elected and still the most popular politician nationally at the time of the Maidan coup.
From the article:
"A total of 3,779 observers, including 650 from the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, were dispatched to monitor the election.
'Transparent' Election
Ukraine's presidential election, the fifth since the country regained its independence when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, was democratic and "organized in a transparent manner," the OSCE said today in an e-mailed statement.
"Yesterday's vote was an impressive display of democratic elections," said João Soares, the president of the OSCE's Parliamentary Assembly and Special Coordinator for OSCE short- term observers. "For everyone in Ukraine, this election was a victory. It is now time for the country's political leaders to listen to the people's verdict and make sure that the transition of power is peaceful and constructive."
A prolonged post-election battle would prevent the country from freeing up a delayed $16.4 billion emergency loan by the International Monetary Fund. The bailout was put on hold indefinitely after the country failed to pass the 2010 state budget and cut spending."