Incorrect from the first sentence to the last.
I find it interesting how all the "bad" dictators of "cobbled" together all just happen to be today's enemies of the US. Saddam Hussein got the key to the city of Detroit in 1980. By 1990 he was the new Hitler. Two invasions and 15 years later he was dead and Iraq destroyed.
In the early 2000s Kaddafi was a key business partner for Western Europe and the bulwark against the influx (particularly to Italy) of illegal African immigrants. 10 years later the West had destroyed Libya after Kaddafi was labeled the new Hitler, and the political unrest in his country became an armed insurgency and then a civil war.
In the early 2000s Asaad was a member of polite Western society like the King of Saudi Arabia was at that time. Then he said no to the US backed gas pipeline and soon the political opposition in his country became an armed insurgency and then a civil war, and Asaad became the new Hitler.
Ukraine was happily making money from the West and the East until Yanukovych, the last democratically elected president of Ukraine, took a better deal from Russia than the deal offered by the West. Retroactively he has now become a "puppet president" of our newest Hitler, Putin. The political opposition became an armed insurgency and then a civil war.
Notice a pattern here? We support a country until they don't do what we want, then the political opposition becomes an armed insurgency, and very often a civil war. Or we just bomb the shit out of them or invade. Of those (just) four examples in the last 20 years - NONE represented a threat to the US and we declared war on NONE of them.
The US is a country of great people, but since the end of WWII (and somewhat before) we have spent enormous amounts of money and blood meddling in other countries for the benefit of our oligarchs.
Not just "by the way" - it was the West that cobbled those countries together after WWI with borders having nothing to do with the ethnic groups living there for 100s to 1000s of years. That is what lead to dictators leading those countries, as only a strongman can hold the country together.