Incorrect. The problems in the Mid East caused by the random creation of Mid East countries by western nations has caused huge problems ever since, and I have commented on them countless times.
That being said, there is only one nation in the Mid East that is based on settler colonialism and which is currently engaged in genocide.
So while it is a problem that Iraq was drawn with virtually no sea access making it intrinsically weaker than its neighbors, that problem is 10,000 times less important than the over 1,000,000 people on the verge of starvation RIGHT NOW in Gaza.
I have a real life job that takes a lot of time. That is why I comment and don't write stories. If I can only comment on a few things per day/week, I'm going to prioritize. Nothing happening in the world right now is more pressing than stopping the genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza. It is really quite simple.