In my not so short life I've had my share of experience with infidelity. I won't go into details for multiple reaons.
I don't want either respsonse, and neither would my wife, but more leaning towards Option 1 than Option 2, leaning hard towards Option 3 (or 1.1?), going to a professional.
My wife and I love each other. We're both really physical and sexual. My sex drive is much higher than my wife's. She's told me more times than I can remember that she wouldn't care if I went to a prostitute, as it is not emotional, just sex. I haven't taken her up on that offer, as I love and honor my wife, I don't want to feel like I'm some out of control sex animal, and I'm also not 100% sure she means it.
Note that my wife and I have no problems with prostitution. In fact, we both think that prostitutes are more honest about their work than a LOT of other people, politicians first and foremost.
Prostitution is an honest job, and we both feel it is stigmatized mostly because it is a particularly a job where women have more control, and most specifically control over their own bodies, and in western societies that is something most men just can't stand. So men make it a crime in many western countries (not ours) or at least stigmatized (also in ours, albeit way less than say, the US).
Back to cheating... honesty is the only way through. If one person is so unhappy that they want to cheat, it is basically never just one-sided. The reaons why it got to that point need to be openly addressed and remedied, or either 1) the marriage is over or 2) it is going to happen again, which if it happens enough will most likely lead to (1) anyway.
I've found most people who have relationship problems aren't willing to admit that both people lead to the problem and work on them. Either they just chuck the whole relationship hope the next one will be better (usually not...), or they downplay their role, blame the other person and stay in an (usually every more) toxic relationship.
Honesty is the best policy, as the saying goes...