I'm old enough to have seen the orginal Star Wars in the theater, and I still love all of them with the exception of Return of the Jedi, which I only just "like." By RotJ it was clear that Lucas was making huge bank off merch and so we were subjected to the fucking Ewoks. Cute little teddy bears taking out the crack storm troopers with their #2 pencil arrows. What is the point of having armour that can't handle being hit by projectiles shot by someone the size of a four-year-old? I digress.
I like the story arcs. I like the filler films. Despite the gaping plot holes. Despite the haters. Particularly the haters of the prequels. OK - second point of agreement with the haters is Jar Jar. Comedic relief is great, but Jar Jar is so stupid, useless and annoying that he'd have been dismembered long before Episode I.
But other than those two big things, I really enjoy all the different worlds and personalities and twists and loop backs.
Anyone who thinks there was no chemistry between Anakin and Padme is either asexual or lying (or both).
How Hayden Christensen went from Anakin to Darth particularly with his relationship with Padme was great. McGregaor's Obi Wan battling his loyalties between the Jedi Council and his friend was great. Combined it is a beautiful tragedy with some really great light sabre duels.
I don't have access to Disney where I live, so I'll have to wait, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it eventually.