I'm not sure how much my wife's culture had to do with her view on life. She, like me, is different than the rest of her family, and also like me, emigrated to another country. A couple of the important things we have in common.
My wife's superpower is her bullshit detector. I have never met anyone else who can tell with such accuracy (90% or so) within minutes if someone is false or true. Great to have next to me at business meetings!
Her greatest feature is directness. She told me VERY early on, "You don't have to read between the lines with me. I'll tell you straight out." It stings sometimes, but once something is out and discussed, it is settled and I don't hear about something from six months ago, or worse, come home to a sullen face, ask what's wrong and get, "I'm fine" when clearly she isn't. One of the very many reasons I love her!
Americans are the most propagandized people on earth, with the possible exception of the North Koreans (from what I've read and seen). So I give them a bit of a pass. If ALL you ever hear, from the moment you pop out of the womb, that you're the greatest and the sun shines out of your ass, you're going to believe at least some of it.