I'm not debating the statistics about men vs. bears. I will debate the context. In EVERY situation, a bear can overpower a woman.
The statistics of humans vs. bears does not take into account the number of encounters. How many men have you encountered in your life? How many bears? I'm guessing you've had millions of encounters with men, and zero to two with an actual wild bear.
If you are somewhere in the woods, and a bear is somewhere (possibly shitting) in the woods, then definitely the bear is the better choice. If you are in a 200 ft² cabin, I think you'd be a fool to choose the bear.
You can kick a man in the balls (horrible design flaw, IMHO). Bears? Not so much.
Lonely road? Yeah, go for the bear.
A man or a bear who would leave you alone? If I understood the question correctly: You can have a man who leaves you alone and a bear who does not, or a bear who leaves you alone and a man who does not. If you choose "a man who would leave you alone" in that situation, you're dead.
I get it there are a lot of horrible men out there. With all due respect, wild bears mind their own business until they don't. If you're not in an open space where the bear can do whatever it wants - particularly leave when it wants, you're really in danger.