I'm not a grandfather, but our son has a fiancé and they do talk about kids and how it would be awesome if we moved to their side of town. Their side is much more bourgeois than our working-class but slowly gentrifying district. We have no interest. Our home is much nicer than theirs, and with real estate skyrocketing in the last years, we'd have to spend €5-6 million to have the same level of niceness in the bourgeois district where they live.
Plus we'd have to deal with the snobby bourgeois people that live there and I don't want to be arrested for assaulting some douchebag who thinks he's better than other people because his parents emigrated here two generations before I did. I digress.
I work a LOT and always have so that I can retire very nicely starting from no family money. I have little interest in being a regular babysitter. Occasionally, sure. I prefer a quiet book to a loud baby.