I'm nearly 58. I probably had Covid in Feb 2020, but there were no tests. I never coughed so hard or so much in my life. The second time I got covide I was triple vaxxed. Go figure. Only one day was bad, one day half-bad, the rest just boring.
My wife had covid once after being 3x vaxxed, and it was much easier for her (she's much younger than I am). However, she had a shitton of side effects after getting vaxxed that lasted for many, many months. What was totally unclear while she had them was if the side-effects would EVER end. That was pretty fucking scary.
At the beginning of the pandemic I wanted a vaccine like many people. But since then I learned A LOT about how we were manipulated by big pharma and their paid representatives in governments in the West. No therapeutics AT ALL were discussed. Masks were discounted. Pointless lockdowns never tried before destroyed lives and saved none (study from England showed this). Rules for the masses but not for the elites. Massive transfer of wealth to the already super wealhty. Can we finally talk about The Great Barrington Declaration without fear of being verbally "stoned to death" on the internet?
So I don't make fun of people who don't want to get vaccinated. I don't think they're stupid, although I might think they are ignorant if they are in a vulnerable group (e.g. older people, fat people) and don't get vaxxed.
The unvaxxed will need to get tested regularly if they want to be part of society, but if someone knows (e.g. pro athlete, celebrity with access to great therapeutics and doctors) or thinks they know better, well then, "their body, their choice."