I'm an entrepreneur. I've had my own company for just over 30 years. My company is pretty successful.
My wife is also an entrepreneur, and sells things on Etsy as well. She started much later than I did (she's much younger).
So I understand your situation quite well.
IMO men are raised in the West: to be valuable we have to solve problems. We often don't talk about our situations unless we are specifically looking for advice.
In my experience, women in the West very often want to talk about their problems and situations WITHOUT looking for advice. There's the rub.
It took me years to understand that my wife wanted to use me as a sounding board for ideas way less often than she just wanted to vent or brainstorm semi-independently. Your dates don't have the luxury of years.
My advice (since you posted this to vent, I see it as an invitation to give you unasked-for advice). Take a page from my wife's book (one of the pages I love even when I get paper cuts from it!). Just tell the guy straight out: "I'm not looking for business help or advice. I just want to date." You'll save yourself a lot of time.
My wife told me early on and it is the #1 reason I love her so much. "You don't have to read between the lines. Just read the lines." Talk straight about what you want. If the guy doesn't get it, dump his ass and move on. Maybe give him a ceramic toad as a parting gift.