I'm an American who moved to Europe while you went the other direction. Right out of university I had a chance to work for a military contractor, and also at NASA. I'm an electrical engineer. I turned them both down.
I'm a smart guy who likes to work. Today I could be living outside Washington in a McMansion making 7 or 8 figures selling drones and bombs to the US to drop all over the world.
Did you know in 2015, Nobel World Peace award winner Barack Obama dropped so many bombs on Syria that the US Air Force literally ran out of bombs?
In 2016, in only seven countries (i.e. this doesn't include about 100 other countries where the US dropped bombs), the US dropped over 26,000 bombs. That is three bombs an hour, every hour of every day for the entire year. For just 7 countries.
So take a minute and replace "US" with Russia in all your points about the evils of Russia. I agree that Putin is a bad guy, and Russian oligarchs are making huge amounts of money off the country's natural wealth. But if you compare numbers of wars started, millions of people killed, numbers of bombs dropped between Russia (or even the Soviet Union) and the US, it won't even be close. Every bad thing Russia has done, the US has done 10 times over.
Russia failed to land on the moon again. The US hasn't even tried for nearly 50 years. Novalny wastes away in prison, true. So does Julian Assange - for the crime of exposing US war crimes, and Assange isn't even American. The US has the highest physical number (not just per capita) of prisoners in the world. In the US, prisoners can and are used as slave labor. Major US corporations all use prison slave labor to make products. Just like Nazi Germany did.
So I get where your coming from enjoying the Schadenfreude of the failed Russian lunar landing. If your looking for the real source of violence and destruction in world, look around your adopted home.