I'm an American living in Europe (mostly Vienna, Austria, a few years NL) most of my adult life. I have made the same comparison between Vienna and the US and gotten the same, "but Austria is homogenous" bullshit response.
Vienna is 50% 1st or 2nd gen immigrant, mostly from non-Christian Eastern countries. And yet...we live in peace and prosperity. My son grew up with about half his friends being Austrian, and half 1st or 2nd gen immigrants (like him).
1st gen immigrants (like myself) mostly stay in contact with our home countries. Our kids don't. Doesn't matter if you come from Istanbul or Iceland or Long Island.
The culture here is that everyone is welcome in Austria and can get ahead if they try. That "American dream" was mortally wounded in the 60s and 70s in the US, Reagan dug it a grave, and Clinton buried it.
The bottom 80% in the US fight for the scraps left by the oligarchs who openly bribe the politicians to keep it that way. That is why the US is the way it is.
[edit] fixed the German spelling of “Iceland”