I'd say the US has been descending ever deeper into chaos since at least the 90s because we are "given the choice" (not really) between "the lesser of two evils."
Since the 90s (post-Perot) to two main parties in the US have rigged the presidential elections to make it virtually impossible for a minor party to get traction.
As a result, both candidates of the major parties are about equally shitty, it just depends on where your personal priorities lie to decide whether you think the R or the D is the lesser of two evils. But since both are evil, the country descends deeper into chaos.
This is the same downward trajectory that Weimar Germany went down. Fortunately Trump is a lazy, incompetent moron (unlike Hitler). We probably won't be so lucky with the next demagogue.
Since the Dems refuse to do anything to really help the average citizen, we will continue in this downward slide. So far it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better.