I’d leave off “in November”
Bad things are coming no matter who wins. The presidential electoin is now a battle among those in the top 10% of the wage earners and wealth owners.
Which candidate is the “lesser evil” is not an existential question for anyone in that top 10%. I know, I’m in it and have been for several decades, and we’ll be fine regardless who wins. But because it is now between Trump and Biden, a huge percentage of the country will not be fine regardless who wins.
Regardless who wins climate change will not be addressed like it should. Student debt will not alleviated. Higher education will not be publicly funded. Oligarchs will not be taxed fairly. The 80% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck will not get a job guarantee. The 50% of Americans earning $30k or less will not get a living minimum wage. Too big to fail banks will not be broken up. The endless foreign wars will not be ended. And in the middle of a global fucking pandemic with no end in sight the US will NOT join the rest of the world and provide healthcare as a right to all citizens and legal residents.
Yes, bad things are coming. Those of us at the top should remember the words of JFK:
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
The cranks and assholes who scold about using the word “revolution” because revolutions are horrible clearly don’t understand or give a fuck how horrible it already is for huge numbers of Americans — and has been horrible for years and decades for some.
When you feel you’ve got nothing, you feel you’ve got nothing left to lose. That is true whether the cranks and assholes want to accept it or not. Telling someone who believes they’ve got nothing and no hope that things are not as bad as they think they are, and things could get much worse (standard Dem rhetoric since the mid 00s at least) is a very risky strategy. Just ask president Hillary Clinton how that worked out.
Maybe Biden will squeak out a victory. That doesn’t mean victory for at least 80% of the country. No matter who wins in November, the bottom 80% of the country loses.