I was born lower middle class. My parents worked hard and by the time I was leaving the next they were middle class, so I think that is where I would put myself.
According to your ranks I'd have been lower class because I had virtually zero assets. However, I also zero liabilities i.e. NO studen debt - thanks mom and dad! Because of that and an engineering degree Iwas able to start building wealth immediately, albeit slowly.
I've worked really hard (started working at age 8) all my life, and after horrible financial life with my first wife (long story) my second wife and I are in your "wealthy" rank, while noting a big chunk of that wealth is in our real estate that I started buying when I was young.
There is of course luck involved, but like any winning sports team, you make a lot of your own luck.
I feel really sorry for the generation after me. EVERYTHING is more expensive relative to when I was starting out. Today you would need at least 3x as much luck as I had to get the same results.