I was being sarcastic. My wife and I have been together for nearly two decades. Gravity is a bitch. Affects us all. My wife is my best friend and I still find her beautiful and sexy, even though she’s a long ways from her 20s now. Fortunately for me she still finds me sexy, too. I think it is my big…feet.
Additional sarasm aside, I fully believe that there must be physical attraction if a relationship is to last, and men are more visual than women. I also fully believe that chemistry has a huge effect. My next door neighbor is a very beautiful woman (blond, blue eyes, dazzling smile and AFAIK smart and a really nice person), but I am not sexually attracted to her at all. I also believe that over time visual attraction can be replaced. Maybe this is how people fall in love over the internet. I have done no research on this.
So with all that premise, I think you have to qualify. A man who only EVER wants a woman for her body I’d say is shallow and/or insecure. A man who wants a woman for her body initially may just be very visual. There are also very many different ways of defining “wants a woman only for her body.” Maybe the dude hasn’t had sex in ages and is just horny (that goes the other way as well). A woman or a man can be very sexy and not classically beautiful — that is very much an “eye of the beholder” kind of thing.