I relate to this so much!
I've been vegan for going on 7 years and I couldn't be happier with my decision. That being said, "inconvenience" takes on a different meaning when you travel to certain areas. I travel often to Eastern Europe, where "vegan" is not on the menu unless you're in capital cities. That is where my trips usually start, but do not end.
There are countries and places where vegan options are simply not available if you want to function. If you're being paid to think, your brain needs fuel. If you're being paid to think on a schedule that you don't dictate, you don't always have the option to find vegan food. So I've gotten creative (with the constant help of my wife!).
Overnight oats in tupperware. Lots of vegan protein bars. The first gets me through breakfast, the second fills in the calories and protein missing when I just have salad for lunch. Dinner is actually quite easy. I just turn to the side dish page and start selecting. Particularly in rural East Europe, the quality is fantastic, the portions large and the price extremely low, since the restaurants make their money on meat dishes.
I very much relate to the "not fitting in" part of your article, which is why I love coming home to Vienna, which is VERY vegan-friendly. Maybe too vegan-friendly, as the number of quality vegan desserts is off the charts here. If you want to eat unhealthy vegan junk food and desserts, you can pick a new restaurant every day and probably not repeat for a year. Hopefully the US will get there one day...