I really couldn't tell if for a while if this was satire or not. Yes, there is lots of "Bullshit Bingo" by managers and wannabes for a variety of reasons.
It is indeed frustrating to infuriating to listen to someone drone on about how all stakeholders need to be empowered to align their KPIs (for example), when the person talking has no idea what the process is they are talking about.
That being said, language does make a difference and all terms are not equivalent. You make so many mistakes in your "simplifications" that I really thought you must be taking the piss.
Only two examples, leaving more to find as an exercise for the student:
- "effect" can mean "downstream impact," but "effect" is much broader. "Downstream impact" is a more specific kind of "effect" and can definitely be the better term to use.
- "inflection point" is (as an engineer and businessman) most definitely a very specific "key event" but not at all necessarily a "decision point" (it should be, but it is not by definition). See Andy Grove's "Only the Paranoid Survive" for great insight into inflection points.
Yes, language matters. Those terms you hate (and define incorrectly) can be used to clarify a point better than your (often incorrect) alternatives. It is a matter of context, IMO.