I love overnight oats. My wife makes a batch of "base mix" 1-2 a month and then we (mostly she) prepares them each evening before we go to bed.
I'm commenting for 2 reasons:
1) To provide a link for a vegan altnerative to your recipe above and
2) To pass on a hack we use: Buy frozen fruit in bulk. Add it in the evening to your overnight oats. By the morning, the fruit will have thawed in the fridge. Frozen fruit in bulk is much cheaper than fresh fruit, won't go bad if you don't manage to eat all of it in a couple of days, and has far less packaging waste (unless you can buy at a farmer's market) and of course saves the time of buying fresh fruit every couple of days.
Here is the old recipe video with macros:
Here is an updated version. It is only in German, but has the advantage of showing the actual products we use, which (if you're in central Europe) will probably be available locally.